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【Urbanears】瑞典設計 Stadion運動款藍牙耳機(奔騰紅)推薦


2018-04-26 03:00

TOP IN ASIA: The US fell two places to three behind Taiwan, while South Korea surged 20 places due to the ‘breath of fresh air’ brought by the election of MoonBy Jonathan Chin / Staff writer, with CNATaiwan moved up three places to No. 42 in this year’s World Press Freedom Index, released yesterday by Reporters Without Borders.The ranking is the highest among Asian nations, the Paris-based watchdog said.The report, which ranks 180 nations and regions, said the deterioration of press freedom in China, ranked 176th, has triggered crackdowns on the media in other Asian nations.Hong Kong climbed three places to No. 70, as it has been resisting China’s burgeoning influence on the press, as does Taiwan, it said.However, Taiwan’s score fell 1.01 points from last year to 24.36, due mainly to the threat of China’s “growing economic and political pressure” on local media, the report said.Taiwanese officials have also “interfered directly in the editorial policies of state-owned media,” it said.The 10 nations with the freest press are Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland, Switzerland, Jamaica, Belgium, New Zealand, Denmark and Costa Rica, according to the report.North Korea was ranked last, behind Eritrea, Turkmenistan, Syria, China and Vietnam, it said.The US fell two places to No. 45 one year into US President Donald Trump’s presidency.Japan climbed five places to No. 67, while South Korea shot up 20 places to 43rd, as the election of South Korean President Moon Jae-in has brought about “a breath of fresh air,” the report said.Singapore was unchanged at No. 151, it said.Malta’s press freedom ranking fell by 18 notches to 65th following the murder in October last year of Daphne Caruana Galizia, an investigative journalist who exposed the corruption of global leaders with her work about the Panama Papers.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES



陳建仁進一步指出,今年 1 月美國智庫「自由之家」(Freedom House)公布「2018 年世界自由度報告」,台灣連續 20 年被列為「自由國家」,在滿分 100 分的評分下,台灣的自由程度得到 93 分,超過美國的 86 分。代表台灣的自由民主,受到全世界的尊敬與重視。

至於在台日關係方面,陳建仁表示,日本是台灣重要的鄰邦,兩國在歷史、文化及經濟等方面都有密不可分的關係。蔡英文上任總統後,台日關係邁入新紀元,去年 1 月,日本交流協會正名為「日本台灣交流協會」,同年 5 月,我國亞東關係協會也正名為「台灣日本關係協會」,不僅明確反映我國處理對日業務窗口的工作內涵,且進一步推動台日實質交流,象徵台日關係更上一層樓。

據報導,前中國國務院港澳事務辦公室主任王光亞今早說,在香港提「結束一黨專政」是違法行為,叫口號的人不可以參加立法會選舉。根據商業電台的報導,王光亞在北京作了以上表示。香港泛民主派對此反應強烈,認為有關提法違反言論自由,是政治打壓;香港市民支援愛國民主運動聯合會更聲言,將會繼續主張「結束中共一黨專政」。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 據報導,目前是中國全國華僑委員會主任委員的王光亞說,中國憲法規定大陸的政治體制是中國共產黨領導,即使大陸的政制並非「一黨專政」,但口號的針對性很明顯。報導沒有說明王光亞在什麼場合發表以上談話。近月來,香港掀起對「結束一黨專政」口號的討論,事件源於中國全國人民代表大會於3月11日通過修憲,將「中國共產黨領導是中國特色社會主義最本質的特徵」寫入中國憲法。其後,全國人大香港區常委譚耀宗聲稱,隨著大陸方面修憲,今後呼喊「結束(中共)一黨專政」的說法可能違憲。他並提醒今後有意參選立法會議員的人,要考慮以上問題。前中國國務院港澳事務辦公室主任王光亞。中新社資料照片 分享 facebook

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